The great thing about this modern day and age is that there are now a wide range of ways in which you can start to advertise your business and make it so that a large enough number of people are willing to give you money that you can use to facilitate expansion for your enterprise. Many would say that marketing is all about putting up posts on social media at this current point in time, but this is not the long and short of it and suffice it to say that there are countless other things that you would need to do before you can safely assume that your marketing is right where it needs to be.
A truly incredible way for you to market your business would be to set up stalls or booths at trade shows. These are events where people that are interested in particular types of products all gather to see what is coming up in the near future, and as a result of the fact that this is the case you can use this as a place to launch your start up in a way that would make success more or less guaranteed without a shadow of a doubt!
Setting up a trade show booth is all about contacting the organizers and then renting a space from them. You should ensure that you have amazing product demonstrations that people can see, and try to generate buzz for your booth through a social media ad campaign so that more people end up looking into it. You should also consider making the most of this booth by interacting with some of your competitors all in all.