Are you an artist looking for drawing ideas? You have a clean white surface in front of you, and it’s time to squeeze the paint onto the palette, load the brush and make the first mark. But the moments mark and cannot be compromised; the surface remains intact and disturbing.
Offer these same kids Paint Pinot art supplies, and they’re more likely to jump at them immediately. The broom becomes a horse, the stick becomes the most majestic magic wand, the trees in the field are gigantic giants that threaten stalwart defenders, and a blanket thrown on a picnic table becomes a safe cave for adventurous heroes and heroines.
Their playful approach and unrestrained curiosity allow them to create with sheer dedication. Sometimes you find yourselves tied down and unable to act when you enter the studio. As much as one wants to play with this threatening blank space, the moments between the intended start and the actual start add up.
When art painting ideas don’t flow, it’s time for the artist to step away from the canvas. You’d be surprised how many artists clean their studios to stay busy when the muse doesn’t arrive immediately. But keep the study open; stay close and focus on doing some housework.
- Sort and organize paint tubes and cans.
- Write what needs to be replaced the next time you order art supplies.
- Do the same with brushes, mediums, gesso, etc.
Tidying up the workplace and cleaning things up, in general, can help clear up that cloudy mind. Plus, you’re still in the studio actively processing your art supplies and recording time, so you’re not as caught up in that sense of failure as the artist is. Plus, painting is much more fun than cleaning, and it usually doesn’t take long before an idea comes out of nowhere that leads you back to the easel.
A few more tricks to help bring your artistic ideas to life
If your studio is tidy and you haven’t come up with ideas or inspiration for painting art yet, here are a few more ideas to consider:
- Take stretchers and pliers and stretch the canvas.
- Read art books and magazines.
- Visit the library and check out the new art book.
- Connect and browse the websites of other artists.
- Take your camera for a ride.
- Visit a new exhibit at your local art gallery.
- Make a collage of scrap materials: magazine clippings, scraps of material, wallpaper, fragments of old paintings and drawings, etc.
- Draw on your collage
- Listen to music and draw what you hear.
If the dry spell continues, it may be time to experiment with a new remedy. Even a seasoned professional artist occasionally signs up for drawing classes to learn new techniques and stimulate new drawing ideas. They know that when creativity has stalled, it’s probably time to move in a new direction.